Recovering Your Revenue: AR Recovery Services Redefined

Reclaiming untapped funds in your account receivables (AR) is more than an idle possibility—it's an essential financial strategy. At FlockBills, we redefine AR recovery services, catapulting your revenue and capturing earnings you might have thought were beyond reach. Our specialty lies in reviving AR accounts older than 120 days, where our pioneering methods have proven remarkably effective, often outshining conventional recovery procedures and average industry results.

Unparalleled AR Management Tailored for You

Conventional AR recovery can feel impersonal and uninspired, but we firmly believe that healthcare receivable recovery should be as unique as your business. That's why, at FlockBills, our expertise cuts through the norm, tailoring our state-of-the-art AR management services directly to your business's individual needs. Unlike other medical billing companies, we don't offer a one-size-fits-all package—because we know dedicated accounts deserve dedicated strategies.

Our Three-Point Strategy for Maximum AR Recovery

Systematic Evaluation
We dive deep into your aged claims, leaving no stone unturned. While others may ignore small-dollar claims, we understand that they can rapidly accumulate, contributing significantly to your bottom line.

With skillful analysis and advanced tools, we streamline your AR to focus on the time-sensitive and the collectible, ensuring no opportunity expires without a fight.

Patient Communication
Communication can be the key to resolution. We craft digestible, comprehensive reports for patients, maximizing clarity and minimizing apprehension.

Why Choose FlockBills for Your AR Recovery Needs

  • All Claims Pursued: Each claim is precious cargo in our eyes. We do not shy away from small claim recoveries or those with a lower chance of payment. Our system's prowess enables us to claim victory over reducing medical account receivables, ensuring every claim is addressed.
  • Exclusive AR Recovery Crew: Upon your signal to engage with AR recovery, we assign a dedicated fleet of expert medical billers to delve into the depths of your AR records, leaving no claim unexplored.
  • Transparent Reporting: Stay informed with detailed, yet accessible, financial reports that highlight the financial health and growth potential of your imaging center.
  • Sky-High Collection Ratios: Our AR recovery services team consistently secures treasure troves, recovering over 90% of claims up to a year old, which can significantly bolster the financial standing of any medical enterprise.
  • Navigating Through Rejection and Denials: Rejections and denials often stem from navigational errors - issues that are readily correctable by our skilled crew. Even the more complex disputes are overcome with a high rate of success.